LED Solar Lights

What does PAR, PPF, PPFD mean in plant grow lights

  • date: 2022-01-14
  • category: Product application knowledge
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What does PAR, PPF, PPFD mean in plant grow lights PAR (Photosynthetically active radiation ) refers to the spectrum of solar radiation that is effective for plant photosynthesis. The wavelength range is 380 to 710 nanometers, which basically coincides with visible light. plant grow lights Aglare PPF (Photosynthetic Photon Flux) refers to the number of micromoles of photons per second radiated by an artificial light source in the wavelength range of 400-700nm, in units of umol/s.  PPFD(Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) corresponds to PPF is the number of micromoles per square meter per second radiated by the light source, the unit is umol/m2s, which is the concept of density. YPF (Yield Photon Flux) refers to the number of micromoles of photons radiated per second in the wavelength range emitted by artificial light sources, in units of umol/s. The band is generally considered to be 360-760nm. For LED light sources, the wavelength range is set to 380-800nm.  YPFD (Yield Photon Flux Density) corresponds to YPF is the number of micromoles per square meter per second, the unit is umol/m2s, which is the concept of density.